You can contact us via or @WingsOfNazaire on Twitter.

Howard Day (Artist/Designer)

Twitter: @HowieeDay
From: United States of America

Hi, I'm Howie. Wings is sort of my baby, and I've got my fingers in most of the stuff going on. I have a focus on Art and Design, and I try and take the programming load off of Jan whenever possible. WOSN is what I do in my free time, since I rarely find an outlet in my day job for my love of science fiction, explosions, and space ships.

Jan Simon (Programmer)

Twitter: @NihiLStarcraft
From: Germany

Hello there, my name is Jan and I'm the Lead Programmer on Wings. Sometimes I have Game Design ideas as well that I like to forward to Howie. I'm the guy that gets to glue all the amazing explosions and space ships together. Exciting!

Daniel Hoffman (Musician)

Twitter: @JestDCH
From: Canada

Ahoy! My name is Daniel Hoffman and I am capable of taking sound and bits of silence and entwining them into noises that some might consider pleasant. I enjoy Pina Coladas without the irony and of course video games. I am very happy to be on the team!